Tuesday, February 13, 2018


After last year, when I run Single op 80m and win the World with NEW WORLD record, I left QTH to Pavel OK1MU. In BARTG RTTY where we tried SO2R all bands for the first time, Pavel made decision to try the same with 2BSIQ SO2R in WPX.
 Our cat Marous
10 + 15m and 40m 2el moxon
Stack for 15m and 20m
And new 500W wind generator

From Pavel OK1MU:
In the past years I participated in the SOSB20 and SOSB40m.  This year I decided to run  SOAB HP category for the first time. Because our QTH OL7M is building for MS-MM category, several adjustments were needed to control all the bands from one workstation. My big thanks to Jan OK2ZAW, who prepared and completed all setup and even prepared great meals! Everything worked without a single mistake full time. Great job!!!

I also used SO2R for the first time with 2BSIQ for the whole 30 hours and I was very excited. The final result due to using SO2R is brutal compared to the conventional SO1R ! Thanks to 2BSIQ I was never bored for a single minute of whole contest, hi. I have never spent so many hours preparing the best working strategy before the contest like now. This was absolutely essential to make this success. Due it I was satisfied with the chosen strategy. Despite the average conditions I worked 750 x NA, 160 x JA and 102 DXCC.

Thank you for the nice online match on Live score with Krzysztof SN7Q, Rich CR5V and Bud AA3B ! Adrenaline and fun during the contest were again a one level higher!

This contest was an unforgettable experience for me, culminating in a new European record.

RBN for OK6W:

During the contest I tested RedPitaya on K9AY loop without any preamp and filters! Just with my impedance transformer and protections. It was incredible, how K9AY loop worked also during TXing. It is only abt 30m from TX antennas. RedPitaya showed +10dBm of own signals :)